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Got a burning ecommerce question to ask? Just record your question below and we'll send you a voice message as a reply.


Need help with your business or just curious about ours?

Record whatever question you have below and we'll answer it for free. Click on the "Start Recording" button, record your question (max 1 minute 30 seconds), and enter your name and email address. We'll send our reply via email within 2 business days.

Please limit to one question per person (Premium members can ask two per month). If you have a really good question, it might be broadcast on a future episode of the EcomCrew Podcast.

Who We Are

Mike Jackness

I’ve been involved in online marketing for over 10 years. I ventured into ecommerce with I sold that company in 2014 and have since then started multiple other ecommerce brands with total revenues over $7million annually. I’m based in San Diego but I’ve lived throughout the world including Las Vegas, the Cayman Islands, and out of a Class A motorhome while touring North America.

Dave Bryant

I’m based in Vancouver Canada but for nearly half of my life I’ve been involved with business in China. In 2008 I started my company importing from China and by 2016 was doing approximately $2 million in revenue before I sold it for just under $1 million. I have another startup in the oven as of 2017 focused, of course, on importing products from China. I’m also a former Amazon employee of 4 days.