EcomCrew Podcast Sponsorship

Get your message heard by thousands of ecommerce entrepreneurs.

Contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions. 

Sponsor the Podcast


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From 300+ ratings

"The Ecomcrew Podcast has been our saving grace. The insights learned from this podcast are a huge part of how we have survived COVID and the inflationary recession that has followed. From marketing to logistics and much more, The Ecomcrew Podcast never disappoints in bringing fresh, actionable ideas to help your business to the next level."

- John Terry, VP, Ketonia LLC

Topics and Listener Demographic


We cover everything in ecommerce, from product development and sourcing to Amazon FBA and Facebook ads.

Our episodes typically last from 30 minutes to an hour and are mostly focused on tactical advice for ecommerce sellers, but every now and then we cover broader topics such as financial independence, success, and meaning.

The vast majority of our listeners are from the United States.

Sponsor benefits


  • We will link to your site in every sponsored episode's show notes on the EcomCrew website.
  • You get to provide the script for a 30-second ad read by our podcast hosts, Mike Jackness and Dave Bryant. 
  • In addition to all our podcast channels, episodes will be published on our Youtube channel as well for optimal reach.
  • Social media posts via Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter promoting each episode will be published.
  • Episodes are also mentioned in our weekly newsletter.


Sponsorship Packages

10 Episodes


per episode

  • 10-episode commitment
  • 30-second ad read by Mike Jackness and/or Dave Bryant
  • Link to sponsor product page in the show notes
  • Episodes delivered consecutively (every Monday and every other Thursday)
  • Limit to two non-competing sponsors per episode
Become a Sponsor

20 Episodes


per episode

  • 20-episode commitment
  • 30-second ad read by Mike Jackness and/or Dave Bryant
  • Link to sponsor product page in the show notes
  • Episodes delivered consecutively (every Monday and every other Thursday)
  • Limit to two non-competing sponsors per episode
Become a Sponsor

30 Episodes


per episode

  • 30-episode commitment
  • 30-second ad read by Mike Jackness and/or Dave Bryant
  • Link to sponsor product page in the show notes
  • Episodes delivered consecutively (every Monday and every other Thursday)
  • Limit to two non-competing sponsors per episode
Become a Sponsor

40 Episodes


per episode

  • 40-episode commitment
  • 30-second ad read by Mike Jackness and/or Dave Bryant
  • Link to sponsor product page in the show notes
  • Episodes delivered consecutively (every Monday and every other Thursday)
  • Limit to two non-competing sponsors per episode
Become a Sponsor


We get multiple podcast sponsorship queries everyday and publish only 6 episodes per month, so competition is fierce.

All applications are vetted, and if you don’t get picked, we will refund 100% of your fee.


Here's a look at some of our top episodes

Contact Us

Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] to discuss your pitch or if you have any questions. We look forward to the possibility of featuring you!