Improve your Customer Experience & Boost your eCommerce Sales

There is a huge opportunity to move consumers through the sales funnel and to boost your sales. This course will show you how to wow your customers with Facebook Messenger.


Why is Facebook Messenger Important?

Watch the course introduction Free



Learn to Use Facebook Messenger Like a Pro and Kill It On Your Next Product Launch

Grow Your Messenger List for Pennies

Can you imagine being able to get email leads for just pennies? We'll show you how to get subscribers to Facebook Messenger cheaply AND turn them into customers.

Build High Converting Funnels

We'll show you our EXACT funnels that you can replicate in minutes for your product brand.

Launch Products With Messenger

Launching a new product on Amazon? Learn how to earn your product to the New Best Seller using Facebook Messenger.

Increase ROI with Advanced Strategies

Learn how to use tags and custom fields to completely customize your messaging. Discover how to make your campaigns go viral. And many more advanced strategies!

Download the Modules List


Facebook Messenger Course Content

  • 1.1 - Course Introduction
  • 1.2 - How Messenger Works
  • 1.3 - Introducing ManyChat
  • 1.4 - The Trifecta: Messenger, Pixeled, & Email
  • 2.1 - Overview of ManyChat
  • 2.2 - Growth Tools Overview
  • 2.3 - Broadcasting Overview
  • 2.4 - Automation & Sequences Overview
  • 3.1 - How to Get People On Your Messenger List
  • 3.2 - Creating a JSON Growth Tool for Facebook Ads
  • 3.3 - Creating Your First Facebook Messenger Ad
  • 3.4 - (Walkthrough) Creating a JSON Growth Tool
  • 3.5 - (Walkthrough) Creating a Facebook Messenger Ad
  • 3.6 - (Walkthrough) Setting Up a Simple Landing Page
  • 4.1 - Using Broadcasts to Communicate with People
  • 4.2 - Email Overview & Best Practices
  • 4.3 - Facebook Remarketing Overview
  • 4.4 - New Product Launch Strategy (with and without Messenger)
  • 4.5 - (Walkthrough) Doing a Broadcast
  • 5.1 - Other Ways to Get People On Your List
  • 5.2 - Collect Emails Natively Within Messenger
  • 5.3 - Using Facebook Comments Advertising
  • 5.4 Tags and Custom Fields
  • 5.5 - Make Your Campaigns Viral with Gleam
  • Conclusion
  • Bonus 1

Download The Swipe Files

Join the course and get access to the exact sales copy we use for our own Facebook Messenger Bot.


The Facebook Messenger Course at a Glance

24 HD Lessons

Learn from high quality videos you can watch on your laptop or mobile.

5 Modules

We divided the course in 5 modules so you can learn and apply content quicker.

Swipe Files

Download our exact funnels and messaging that you can apply to your bot.

6 Advanced Tips

Double down on these advanced tips and leave your competitors in the dust.

Let's wow your customers with Facebook Messenger

Weā€™ll help you figure out how to do this so well it wonā€™t just improve your customer experience, it will also boost your sales.

Learn Facebook Messaging from Million Dollar Sellers

Mike & Dave will show you exactly how they grew their email lists to thousands of subscribers, using their own multi-million dollar businesses as examples.


Frequently Asked Questions

Something still needs clarifying? Check the faqs below.

Is there a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee?

Of course. We offer a full 30-Day money back guarantee on all purchases.

Can I access all of the courses and content right away?

Yes! You can access all of the content right away. There are no dripped lessons.

Is your content up to date?

Our content is consistently updated to reflect the most up to date tactics for 2019.

Who are Mike and Dave?

We are recognized ecommerce leaders and frequent industry speakers at events. Each year we sell over 8 figures annually and have sold businesses for over $1million. More importantly, we're passionate teachers dedicated to building sustainable ecommerce brands.


24 Video Courses of Advanced List Building Strategies

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